Details Differentiate

thank you letter
Communicate with the Audience in Mind

To prepare for a meeting with a client or an interview for that perfect next job, we spend a lot of time and resources on first impressions, interview prep, and even the outfit we choose to wear. But we don’t pay attention to much after that. However, what follows after first impressions, interviews, or outfit choice matters just as much. Details often escape our priorities when we feel like we checked some of the most important boxes already, such as having a fantastic interview. However, it’s important to spend time thinking through and organizing your game plan following that great 1st impression down to the last detail. Let’s look at a couple of ideas to consider. Let your professional communication reflect well on you.

Always communicate with the audience in mind

It’s easy to get stuck in a “getting things ticked-off my to-do list’ mindset, especially, when it comes after a long day. Correspondence like follow-up emails, thank you notes, and texts are easy to mindlessly crank out. But they are vastly important because even the shortest note reflects on your professionalism. As explained on  in Know Your Audience Before You Write,

“If you do not address a certain audience appropriately, you could lose their respect, attention, and interest before they’ve gotten through your first paragraph!”

When you write a note with the audience in mind, consider things like being respectful, including enough details to make sense to the person you are writing, and proofreading. And although that doesn’t sound like much, if you pay attention to the small things it makes you stand out. Since the recipient doesn’t really know you or your ideas, be sure that you communicate to them with that in mind.

Dot your i’s and cross your t’s

It sounds so simple it’s almost silly to write, but poor grammar and poor communication are very common in the business world. When you are looking to hire someone or wanting to be hired, every communication however small is reflective upon you. The smallest conversations at the beginning are demonstrating your professional standard. So don’t just write bullet-point emails, thank you notes, or follow-up emails.  Make your ideas clearly understood. And make sure you proofread.

Cultivate your professionalism by thinking about others

If you really want to stand out, think about taking the extra steps to help others and make their job easier. For example, when sending a document, be sure that you title the document so Human Resources can easily identify who or what the document references. For example, don’t just title the document “Resume”, but instead use your name as the title of a document for example, That way Human Resources personnel, who receive many documents daily, don’t have to open the document to discover who or what it’s referring to. Giving this small detail the forethought will help HR think more favorably towards you. It’s a small way to begin a business relationship that identifies you as thoughtful and organized. If you incorporate this way of thinking into all your exchanges, you are sure to make a good impression.

In conclusion, details matter. They are the icing on the cake when it comes presenting yourself for a job or as a representative of the company who a client will want to work with. Showing others that your professionalism extends to the smallest of considerations sets you apart. Making details apart of your plan will up your game. Don’t forget to let your professional communication reflect well on you Let Jeff Nixon assist you by discussing these details in a phone call.